#4 Nicole Seiler (Lausanne)

Liquid Families

From September 2021 to July 2022, Michelle Ettlin and Mona De Weerdt accompanied and documented the creative process behind Nicole Seiler’s Liquid Families. In this piece, the Lausanne-based choreographer pursues her exploration of voice in a choreographic context with a big group of professional and non-professional performers. The a capella score sets a continuous, self-initiated transformation into motion. The film is a cinematographic testimony to how the different songs have been rehearsed as well as how the performers form a temporary community and create a large spatial installation together, thereby giving rise to choreographic and musical links.

Duration: 25 minutes

Concept: Mona De Weerdt, Michelle Ettlin
Camera, editing, post-production: Michelle Ettlin
Dramaturgy: Mona De Weerdt, Michelle Ettlin
Production: echolot films / mdw Kulturproduktionen
Coproduction: Cie Nicole Seiler

Nicole Seiler (concept, artistic direction, choreography)
An Chen (choir director, vocal coach)
Gerda Steiner, Jörg Lenzlinger (installation)
Pascale Andreae, Gabriel Arellano, Léna Bagutti, Auguste de Boursetty, Colline Cabanis, An Chen, Leila Chakroun, Aline Choulot, Zoé Cornelius, Karine Dahouindji, Camille de Jaegher Narbel, Carole Dessauges, Laura Gaillard, Rosangela Gramoni, Trevis Guerreiro, Christophe Jaquet, Michele Luchetti, Nathalie Mastail-Hirosawa, Nicolas Mueller, Gabriel Obergfell, Serge Teuscher, Léa Trolliet (performance)

Locations: Arsenic - centre d’art scénique contemporain Lausanne

Supported by: the Federal Office of Culture / Dance as Cultural Heritage, Canton de Vaud, the Ernst Göhner, Corymbo, Alexis Victor Thalberg and Sophie and Karl Binding Foundations. The translation is financed by: Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council and the Oertli Foundation

Partners: Reso – Dance Network Switzerland, SAPA Foundation – Swiss Archive of the Performing Arts

© echolot films / mdw Kulturproduktionen / Cie Nicole Seiler 2022

pictures: rehearsals at Arsénic Lausanne © Michelle Ettlin